The Patient Compliance Course is probably the most powerful thing I have encountered anywhere. With it, my ability to truly get my services applied to patients and get paid will be unlimited.
The data will help break through any barriers that I left previously unhandled because I was not aware of them. Patient compliance will be through the roof in my practice!
This is a step-by-step, easily learned, no-fail technique that will change my practice for the better.
Since my earlier experiences with Measurable Solutions on the New Patient Course and the executive training where so positive. I knew that when I did the course that I should bring someone with me. I chose to bring one of my therapists and it was a great decision.
Following the completion of the Patient Compliance Course he wrote a great success story that I want to share.
"Before the Patient Compliance Course I had gained plenty of confidence in my skills as a therapist but I continued to struggle with patients ending their treatment course prematurely and settling all obstacles in the initial evaluations. With the tools I have now, I know that I can get the patients what the need and help them to not only make their own, right decisions, but to get them to feel confident in their decisions too." - Peter McLeod, PT